Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology can have many benefits including;

  • Relieves the effects of stress

  • Improve and supports the immune system

  • Increase circulation

  • Clear the body of toxins

  • Pain relief

  • Improve digestion

  • Eliminate toxins from the body

  • Promote relaxation

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Improve and balances hormonal function

  • Relax tense muscles and ligaments

  • Improve nerve function

  • Improve sleep

Some of the many conditions that reflexology can help

  • Stress related issues

  • Arthritis

  • Muscle tension

  • Chronic pain

  • Headaches

  • Sinus issues

  • Digestive issues

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Injury recovery

  • Fertility, pregnancy, birth and postnatal recovery

Origins of Reflexology

Reflexology dates back thousands of years and many cultures have contributed to the practice. The oldest evidence of reflexology is from Ancient Tomb drawings from 2500 BC depicting feet being held and massaged. Over time this practice spread to Greece, Arabia then onto Europe through the Roman Empire. Forms of Reflexology were also practiced in Ancient India by Buddhist monks who migrated to China and India. Western reflexology emerged in the late 18th Century, with scientists proving the neurological relationship that exists between the skin and the internal organs and that the whole nervous system adjusts to a stimulus. Further work by Dr William Fitzgerald created zone therapy, from that, in the 1930’s Eunice Ingham refined Dr Fitzgerald’s work and developed what we know as ‘western reflexology’. She observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot mirrored congestion or tension in a related part of the body. Using this knowledge, she created the foot and hand maps that most reflexologist use today. Reflexology in its current form is practised worldwide. Its aim is to return the body to a state of internal and external balance. Reflexology has been known to assist in the relief of a wide range of health symptoms – everything from aching feet to headaches and helps to restore a sense of balance in mind, body and spirit.